The British History Podcast

The BHP is a chronological retelling of the history of Britain with a particular focus upon the lives of the people. You won’t find a dry recounting of dates and battles here, but instead you’ll learn about who these people were and how their desires, fears, and flaws shaped the scope of this island at the edge of the world. And some of those desires were downright scandalous.

Jamie Jeffers
Well, in terms of degrees I have a Juris Doctorate and a BA in English. Actually, you could say that my entire educational career has been focused upon researching and developing compelling narratives, and I try to use that experience here.
With regard to my accent, because I often get questions on that, I’m an immigrant from the UK living in the US. I went through American schooling and over the course of the years have acquired a West Coast American accent.
As far as personal stuff stuff about me… I love to read, I’ve been known to engage in geeky past-times (other than podcasting), and I have quite a few little creative side projects. I once worked on a board game but now pretty much all of my effort goes into creating the BHP.
Kerouac, my three-legged cross-eyed toothless cattle dog who you likely heard about in the show, died of cancer in October of 2012. I still miss the hell out of him and always will.
I live in Portland, Oregon. I love IPAs, Thai food, and coffee… so I’m pretty stereotypical in that regard. Though, I refuse to pretend that PBR is good beer. It’s bad. Everyone knows it’s terrible. Can we just admit it? Finally?

Jamie Jeffers
Well, in terms of degrees I have a Juris Doctorate and a BA in English. Actually, you could say that my entire educational career has been focused upon researching and developing compelling narratives, and I try to use that experience here.
With regard to my accent, because I often get questions on that, I’m an immigrant from the UK living in the US. I went through American schooling and over the course of the years have acquired a West Coast American accent.
As far as personal stuff stuff about me… I love to read, I’ve been known to engage in geeky past-times (other than podcasting), and I have quite a few little creative side projects. I once worked on a board game but now pretty much all of my effort goes into creating the BHP.
Kerouac, my three-legged cross-eyed toothless cattle dog who you likely heard about in the show, died of cancer in October of 2012. I still miss the hell out of him and always will.
I live in Portland, Oregon. I love IPAs, Thai food, and coffee… so I’m pretty stereotypical in that regard. Though, I refuse to pretend that PBR is good beer. It’s bad. Everyone knows it’s terrible. Can we just admit it? Finally?